The broadcasting of "Battleship"... has been cancelled...!

Artist's commentary
(12:42 AM - 20 Jun 2017 [JST])
Nippon TV "Battleship" broadcast canceled... reminiscent of an accident (Yomiuri Shimbun, June 19, 2017)
Nippon TV has announced that they will cancel broadcasts of the movie "Battleship" scheduled for 9pm on the 19th and 23rd. Scenes such as a US warship being sunk in battle with aliens, are said to be reminiscent of the US Navy Aegis destroyer collision incident which occurred off the Izu Peninsula (Shizuoka Prefecture).
Nippon TV has canceled broadcasting "Battleship" - "it isn't currently appropriate " (Asahi Shimbun, June 20, 2017)
Nippon TV has made the decision to cancel a broadcast of the movie "Battleship" scheduled for 9pm on the 23rd. The station states that "we decided it wouldn't currently be appropriate to broadcast it", and continued: "the film was withheld for compositional reasons."
The movie involves the US Navy and others encountering an alien mothership in Hawaii while they are conducting joint military exercises, and being attacked. It seems that consideration was given to the plot's reminiscence to an accident in which the US Navy Aegis DDG collided with a container cargo ship flying a Phillipine flag, which occurred off Japan's Izu peninsula.
"Battleship" will be replaced by the movie "Dark Shadows"”, starring Johnny Depp.