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Artist's commentary
JoJo Jotaro and JoJo Joseph
Despite Josuke having a valid reason to sport that hair, it demanded quite a lot of maintenance I bet. So at some point it might have gotten in the way of heroics and Jotaro would have been the first to stick his nose in that. A problem not even Star Platinum could solve.
Still, hair care is very important. It's like a shirt you have to put on every day, so, you wouldn't choose a walmart shirt for that or sew your own. Unless you don't have a choice or are really good at making shirts I guess... Still, get yourselves a good one.
This cover is from a 1971 cover for an anti-drugs Green Lantern/Green Arrow story where Speedy turns out is addicted to heroin. If you have seen the show Arrow, they sort of handled this story. First with Speedy, who in the show is Green Arrow's sister, being a teen drug user and later with Roy who becomes the Red Arrow having unwillingly injected the "Miracuru" drug, which was a plot device in season 2.
Remember when Arrow was good? I mean, it wasn't super good, but it was a lot of fun. Now people try to recall season 2 being superb, but back then everyone hated drunk Laurel and the Sebastian Blood plotline went nowhere. I've heard comments about season 5 being as good as season 1, but it was just a retread of that season which we already saw and was much better with Slade around and a villain that made sense.
Arrow's studio is just a few blocks from my house... I keep hoping to bump into Willa Holland... but anyway!
And remember kids, winners don't use drugs, not even caffeine or prescriptions apparently.