Artist's commentary
Pestering Mucchan
Normally not acting like a provocative, horny older sister-type, Mutsu actually has her own desires. Unlike the straightforward Bismarck in post #2337609, though, misdirecting Akitsu Maru is nothing to Mutsu.
※ About meal slips. It seems that in JGSDF, sergeant (was it 'supply sergeant'?) of each company has to submit their tickets to the supply group two weeks in advance. Since civilian suppliers are in charge of the canteen these days there shouldn't be any dedicated military personnel there, but there may still be some supervising officers?
To the person who pointed out a typo in the comments, thank you. That was what everyone called it inside the base so I thought it was the name, but looking it up again I was wrong. I guess here're a lot of things you don't know unless you're a company supply sergeant.