Artist's commentary
Hi, I’m called KEI.
You might be thinking: “Why are you here, in this bunch of artists, of all places?” I’m wondering the same thing myself, I’m sorry..!
Anyway, the reason I started playing this game was because I saw it on a certain web stream I follow. It was free and looked interesting, so I started playing.
So, I started playing the game quite casually, but when I actually get into the game, it was actually quite interesting. I decided to go to the (Soviet) medium tank route for starters, but when I got to BT-7 at Tier 3, I suddenly hit a wall… the KV-1.
Literally being able to “tank” and bounce after bounce of shots… so wonderful!
Right now I’ve moved up the tier from the KV-1 and ride other tanks in the series like the KV-1S, KV2 and the IS as well. The KV-2’s 152mm howitzer is fantastic when you can land a hit! I’m nearing the IS-3, so looking forward to that, too.