Artist's commentary
Guilty Gear - Di01: Birth
I'm going to try something: I want to attempt to upload a drawing related to Dizzy's backstory every day until the 25th, as a sort of Advent Calendar.
Reasons mostly being practice for CG images for future Visual Novel or RPG projects, and a desire to make images that actually relate to Dizzy's backstory unlike most fan art I've seen. (including my own works)
This is something I've never really done and will probably be a big amount of work, so I hope I don't immediately fail D: (especially since I also need to finish two works for Game-Art-HQ until December 20th)
so I hope you'll enjoy it!
This first image is not necessarily canon, it's still not clear what her origins actually are. However I'd like to believe that she is an actual child born from Sol and Aria's love and not just some clone as some dialogues may suggest. That would at least make Aria's backstory a bit less sad! Being born from an egg like Sin would also give some sort of explanation for the timeline in relation to Justice's sealing.
Guilty Gear is (c) Arc System Works