During Setsubun, decorations of Sardine heads and Holly are sometimes used to ward off evil spirits, such as Oni...
Also, price(¥184) is number pun. It means sardines(1/i, 8/wa, 4/shi = iwashi = sardines)*~SARDINES~*KASEN-CHAN!!?Kasen-chan, I'm sorry~
I know you were relying on me, but the fish you wanted me to buy was sold out this time...Ohhhh... well, things like that are bound to happen. Perhaps another time.Oh, really? What on earth did you...Ah, but you know! I'm not sure if you'd like this instead, but I bought you a different fish! Lookie, lookie, right away!POWWWWWWWWrummage
rummage2. Surprise Attack
3. Sardine
This was posted on Setsubun, which is on February 3 (2/3).Cats ate the dropped sardines with relish.