The First Fleet:
Ise, Fusou and Kongou classes combined The First Fleet consists of Japan's main battleship divisionsThe role of the First Torpedo Squadron was to escort the battleships.The First Fleet was basically reserved for use in the Decisive Battle.The role of the Second Fleet is to prepare the way for the main battleshipsThe enemy's organs go pan-paka-paaan!Simply put,
"Before our bosses take part in the decisive battle, we're going to kick the small fries' asses and while we're at it, send some torpedoes down the enemy's front lines"
They're that kind of fleet.Please, boss, this wayThe special forces in the Second Fleet would be the Spendid Second Torpedo SquadronNow, regarding the Second Torpedo Squadron,They belong to the Second Fleet.You want to know why the Second Torpedo Squadron is the most feared?First Torpedo Squadron flagship AbukumaOrdinarily speaking, shouldn't the first torpedo squadron consist of the strongest ships?Ah, I understand. Let me teach you... um, let's go back to the beginning of the warThe First Torpedo Squadron was numbered that way because it was attached to the First Fleet.nanodesu