"Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?" "Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant lands?" "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though others may take no note of him?"

Artist's commentary
"か": Scholarly Scolders
Pronouced as "gakusha mushakusha"... Scholars tend to be critical, and oftentimes use erudite words utterly incomrehensible to outsiders.
pixiv #30865706 »←「お」 「き」→pixiv #30884926 »
T/n: The original title, "学者むしゃくしゃ/gakusha mushakusha", is a pun where "学者/gakusha" (scholar) rhymes with "むしゃくしゃ/mushakusha" (nitpicker). Thankfully, the same pun can be made in English where "scholar" shares both the first and the last syllables with "scolder".