I drew a journalism-centric 4koma revolving around Inazuma, the tender-hearted girl who values the lives of her enemies in spite of being in a war, and Aoba who, after listening to Inazuma's story, decided to once again take up her pen and fight the war in a way unlike any of her peers.
Aoba doesn't like having to steal the lives of our enemies indiscriminately, either.※ Captured Enemy DestroyerDon't dare hide anything that you know!
Confess!What's wrong, Inazuma-chan?
You look all frowny.Yes...
I want to win the war and all,Spit it out!
Spit out the Enemy base's vital points and the location of the flagship!HAWAWAWAWAAA!?... I see, just like you'd expect from Aoba-san nanodesu. It's precisely because she is a journalist that, for the sake of her allies, she takes up the pen and informs the world of the current state of affairs... This is a wonderful way to fight nanodesu. To compare it to the mass media garbage is to compare night to day nanodesu.But at the same time I want to save their lives - is that strange?That isn't strange in the slightest.Besides, Aoba can fight with this pen and be of help to everyone!Stab stab