Artist's commentary
TF MTMTE 57 cover
Here is my last cover to MTMTE which happens to be for issue 57 and it's the RI cover.
I would have liked to have done more for it, but due to time I couldn't. However I picked some of my favourites to draw and I wanted a somewhat more simple image with Megatron at the center since he was a lot of the focus of season 2 of MTMTE.
What a ride it has been. 5 years I've been working on this title. I have drawn 38 of the 55 issue of the series and I try to do better with each new issue.
Well time to say bye to MTMTE. It's been fun if not crazy stressful. I wouldn't have it any other way :D (Big Grin)
Colours by the ever so talented Josh Perez. He really made this cover pop and I love the space background he did for it :) (Smile)
lineart by markerguru me
colours by dyemooch talented ball of awesome ;) (Wink)
TF:MTMTE©IDW Publishing