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Artist's commentary
Artistic Freedom
Artistic Freedom by nakanoart
Artistic Freedom
by nakanoart
Customization / Wallpaper / Minimalistic / Light©2016 nakanoart
#anime #headphones #music #art #manga #wings
Ever since I first started drawing as a little kid, I felt like art gave me complete freedom to create anything I wanted. In reality I'm limited by what I can do, but in my drawings I can meet any creature, live any life, go anywhere, do anything; as far as my mind would take me. (Of course, my drawings don't always end up the way I envisioned them in my head. Which makes me sad, but I know we've all been there, lol!) Do you guys feel this way about your creative pursuits too? I imagine the same thing would apply to writing and music etc ^..^
I've included a wallpaper version and an anatomy reference of this drawing. Hope you like it!
Gumroad icon 2 by LirioRox Widescreen wallpaper -
Gumroad icon 2 by LirioRox Anatomy reference -