Artist's commentary
It's a Frog, I Think
Even though I am without job and without school, at least I still have so much stuff I can do to keep from losing my mind.
Anyhow, if you're sitting there at your screen with your arms crossed thinking "Man, this could have been a perfectly normal picture if it weren't for that darn Frog. Why'd he have to go and throw in something like that?" then you could uncross your arms and photoshop an orange or a baby's face in there. Then everybody's happy.
I was doodling poses haphazardly when I made this one, and I thought hey, that came out pretty nicely. So I worked at it and decided that as long as I was going for a normal picture, I should try another style closer to a human being. That was fun. And then I was thinking about scrapping it since it didn't seem to leave an impression; but in the end I decided to screw moderation and put a monsterling in there for kicks so it could be a little more than just a nice picture: now it be a nice ruined picture. Enjoy!
I am having such a blast wrinkling clothes here.
Made in Flash
P.S. - Apologies to *Chancake; I may or may not have unwittingly stolen your header without realizing it and then got all excited about how cool it was that I came up with it all on my own.EDIT: Apologies also to ~Rakugaki-otoko; I probably have more wittingly stolen your Rodriguez and then called it a frog, I think.
P.P.S. - this girl is not supposed to be anybody in particular, as is the case with a majority of my works. If it were, I'd let you know.
P.P.P.S. - Yes, it's a girl.