Artist's commentary
[Touhou] Lost Critters of Gold
One aspect of Touhou's lore that I've found myself endeared to is how plants and animals that have gone extinct may find their way there. I've thought of making something based off that for quite some time now, and eventually I thought of using the poster child of amphibian extinction--the golden toad.
I've also always wanted to have at least one drawing of Shinmyoumaru in my sketchbook. The old tales of Issun-Boshi (One-Inch Boy) was one of the few Japanese stories I loved to read about as a kid, so you can imagine how excited I was to see a Touhou character based on it come to life.
I started this drawing a few months ago but I've only recently gotten around to finishing it earlier this week. It's also my first try at using dappled light for a drawing, so I'm sorry if it looks off or something. ^^;
May you fare better in Gensokyo than you did in our modern world, o golden toad. You've even got a frog goddess to keep you safe!
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