Artist's commentary
Lion's Paw
Little Pyotr Rabbit went fishing by the lake
Cast his line into the water, felt it start to shake!
"Boy, I've got the big one now!" he cried with childish glee
(What a rabbit does with fish is frankly beyond me)
He pulled with all his might and brought his catch up to the surface
then dropped it on the ground (though this part was not on purpose).
The first to break the silence was the freshly captured fish:
"If you'll return me to the lake, I'll grant you any wish."
Pyotr took a moment to reflect upon his life
His days were fairly mundane and devoid of any strife
"There isn't really anything exciting nowadays,
I wish a shoujo would appear, like in my animes!"
"I'll get right on it!" said the fish and blinked (do fish have eyelids?)
Then something burst out from the ground, the sound heard 'round the islands
The fish said "Can I go home now? This deal is done from my end."
But Pyotr was already screaming "I MUST RUN FROM LION!"
It was in fact a shoujo: Lion's Paw, the cyborg human!
But Pyotr had no time for that as he was now a zoomin'
down the road back to his house, a hunter on his heels
(His chaser's only goal, though, was to know how his fur feels)
So that concludes my write up of this artwork here delayed
I thank you for your patience and I'm grateful that you stayed
But now I must return to filing taxes on my cash.
Background made in Manga Studio,
Characters in Flash