Artist's commentary
She Hates You All
It's just a phase.
Jezibel, my OC, who likes being blunt about her thoughts and actions. She leads an army to eradicate witches, and doesn't treat life very seriously from her super high horse. Also has severe anger management issues.
Tried for something a tad different than frin usual snarky grin look, though uhr, I suppose she still looks snarky here, lol. Also went away from those BLOCK NOSES I've done for the past two pieces, and went for something more normal. You ever get that sizzling feeling from your OCs while you're drawing them badly, and they just want to thump you in your head? Yeah, this one here. The worst of them all.
Jezibel Bancroft © =ViViVooVoo
Art © =ViViVooVooDone in Photoshop