Artist's commentary
Samus VS. Motherbrain
This illustration is dedicated to one of my favorite games of all time, Super Metroid for the SNES released in 1994. I spent hours on the game and took almost a month to beat it. The best part of the game is the final confrontation with the Mother Brain. 22 YEAR OLD SPOILER ALERT!!! Here's a link to the final boss battle: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx-oNU… The battle takes place around the 8 minute mark. So the first time I played this I was amazed at how it made me feel! When the Metroid came to my rescue only to be killed I was both sad and furious, craving revenge...Then the power of the Metroid creates the most satisfying way to defeat the boss! This is the moment just before Samus unleashes her revenge. The fallen Metroid lays in the foreground while the energy builds for the final attack. I know some may be upset I didn't put Samus in the Varia Suit but I wanted to depict the scene with the classic colors. I hope you all like it! I had a great time working on it and learned a lot.