Artist's commentary
Fresh from the Ground of the Underworld
To the first-timers, nice to meet you. To all the regulars, it's been a while. It's yours truly, of the faction that approves of apples in potato salad.
This time, for the first time in ages outside of the strip format, he deals with Youmu. She's a cute girl, diligent and courteous, though she's also clumsy and scatterbrained. Together with that irresistible gap between this and being a master fencer, she's like a lump of my personal fetishes. ZUN-san really does understand me...!
Naturally, the punch line firmly fails to reward, as is typical. I want to see your teary eyes...
This story includes my own peculiar interpretations and set-ups for circumstances, and a little bit of Rinnosuke-coupling besides, so please take note of this when reading.