Artist's commentary
NaruxHina - Issho ni asobo Ojiichan
My 2nd tribute for the The LAST : Naruto the Movie. After seeing lot's of Spoilers around the net, i just can't resist to take a day break just to finish this lol.
Issho ni asobo Ojiichan means "Let's play together grandpa!" . In this case, we will see how Grandpa Hiashi handle those two little Uzumaki-Hyuga Babies. OMG MOAR POEMS!
Hiashi: Hmm... (my tea, it's getting cold.... I can't move) hmm... #AllAccordingToKeikaku
Himawari: How to make a Burrito!
Boruto: Ojiichan Ojiichan Ojiichan!Naruto: Those two again
Hinata: So cute and adorable! XD
You can make your own caption for this lol
Well, if this gains a lil bit of attention. I Plan to make a simple scene-series feat. Hiashi Hyuga how he spend his day while being bugged by these two kids in his house. Laughing my ass off!
More love for grandpa hiashi! superw00tplz
- As of now, when i do a non-work related artwork I will put my deviantart web address.
Enjoy guys!! More commissions to come!! OMG MOAR POEMS!
Edit: NaruxHina - 900 000 Pageviews by dannex009
Sai Paint toolAdobe Photoshop CS6 on effectsWacom Intuos 5 Medium
*dannex009 Art/Color
Hinata Hyuuga | Naruto Uzumaki | Himawari Uzumaki | Boruto Uzumaki | Hiashi Hyuga from The Last : Naruto The Movie (c) Masashi Kishimoto.