Artist's commentary
Hang in There, Kogasa-chan! 421
And that's all there is for the Double Dealing Character chapter. The storyline ran on rather long, so thank you very much for sticking with me through it.
As for the next story, I'm drawing new material for Summer Comiket right now, so I figure I'll think it up as soon that's done and I'm through sending it to press.
I'd been thinking of putting the strip on hold for a bit as of the Double Dealing Character chapter. While I was drawing Shinmyoumaru-chan, I was thinking she'd be the last character...but now I figure I'll draw a little more. LOL So, when I start the series going again, I hope I can get you to stay with me. LOL
I still can't part with Kogasa-chan. LOL Guess it's because I love her too much...
And so! I'm taking a bit of a break, but please do look forward to more "Hang in There, Kogasa-chan!" LOL
(I figure I'll be posting up illos, so I'd love it if you'd come see those too. LOL)