Artist's commentary
Three Plus One + Sanae & Suwako
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To those here for the first time, pleased to meet you. To the regulars, good to see you again. I'm still me, despite temperatures topping the 20˚'s* and my brain melting.
This time, we have Sanae-san and Suwako-sama. The Moriya members are all active, which makes it worth putting them into motion. On top of that, they fit smoothly into the modern-day setting, so that makes it easy to draw.
In particular, Sanae is far more motivated by curiosity than Reimu is, so she gives the impression that she'll turn up steadily even when there isn't an incident. Mind you, on that point, creating incidents is a Moriya quality, so... lol
I'll be including plenty of modernizations, unique interpretations, and opportunity developments, so please watch for them when you read.
*29˚C = 84˚F. Not terrible, but there's humidity and frequently substandard A/C as well, no doubt.