Artist's commentary
"Missile Gap"
"My God." Misha swears, shocked into politically incorrect language.
"Hirasawa Yui," says Gagarin, studying the craggy features of the nearest head. "I've seen this before, this sort of thing. The Americans have a memorial like it. Mount Rushmore, they call it."
"Don't you mean Easter Island?" asks Misha. "Sculptures left by a vanished people…"
"Nonsense! Look there, isn't that Akiyama Mio? And Ricchan, also Mugi-chan, of course." Even though the famous eyebrows are cracked and half of them have fallen away from the cliff, the face is definitely hers. "But... who's that next to them?"
Gagarin brings his binoculars to focus on the fifth head. Somehow it looks far less weathered than the others, as if added as an afterthought, perhaps some kind of insane statement about the mental health of its vanished builders. Both antennae have long since broken off, and one of the mandibles is damaged, but the eyeless face is still recognizably unhuman. The insectile head stares eyelessly out across the frozen ocean, an enigma on the edge of a devastated island continent. "I think we've found the brother socialists..."
- A scene from Charles Stross' novella, ”Missle Gap”. Its Japanese translation was published in April 2010 issue of Hayakawa's S-F Magazine.
AdmiralColonel Yuri Gagarin, the captain of the first ship of the Sergei Korolev class nuclear-powered Ekranoplan, saw a cosmic horror at the farthest corner of the vast diskworld ... It's actually beyond horrible!
[NOTE] "Admiral Yuri Gagarin" - maybe a typo