Artist's commentary
One Piece Halloween 2
And here it is, my two week-long labor of love, just in time for Halloween. It's a sequel to the one I put up a couple of years ago...
And as I was making this, I realized that some of you can't wait to suggest to me what you think the Strawhat crew should have been for Halloween instead rather than just enjoy the picture I worked so hard on, and I also realized that a lot of folks don't share my strong belief that Kinemon (and possibly Momonosuke as well) will join the crew eventually and for reasons unbeknownst to me would waste little time in trying to dash my hopes for said eventuality, but then I realized go draw your own fucking picture. :D
Though I will say this regarding Luffy's choice of costume; the story behind it is that his knowledge of Avatar is limited to the portrayal of the Ember Island Players, and no one else had the heart to tell him otherwise.
Luffy... why did you eat my freeeench friiiieees...
NWUsoppplzsaysplzUuuhhhhhh, because he's Luffy?
NWRobinplzsaysplzOh yeah.