May we live in a world where all people feel true happiness.A new man comes by our house to visit Mom every Tuesday and Friday. If he's going to be my new dad, then I want her to tell me soon. —HajimeI want to grow into a body that lets me defeat a brown bear all by myself! —Hiraide KanaeI want someone to understand this woman who needs love. —M-KI wish for more money. —KouheiThe excitement inspired in me by the part about the stamen and pistil [rest out of frame].I want to find true feelings in life. —SaoriMay my imprisoned father turn away from crime and return to the sunlight. —MisatoI want all the aliens who came to Earth from Planet Mopichi to be touched by the culture of anime, manga, and such, think things over, and abort their invasion![name illegible]World Conquest —Dr. WryyyI'm already well on in years [rest out of frame]—please, I ask you just once, somehow, for heaven's sake, with all my heart, one way or another.[name illegible]May Yoshioka, who bought a fishing boat while under the spell of alcohol, be truly happy. —All of us friends