Artist's commentary
New Year New WIP
New re-connie, a re-re-connie. Looked at the old one and well it is looking OLD. Theme for this one I guess is eased edges. At this stage it is probably 30% done? I hope to arrive at the same poly count or just under. Already though the mental ray materials are killing render times. Not sure how many animations will be done with this thing. HAH. Least with my anal retentive demands in settings.
Source: http://rushedart.deviantart.com/art/New-Year-New-WIP-347031886
New Year New WIP
A re-re-connie. HAH Decided to have a new go at this after looking at the old one and deciding it was a mess of wires and visually cluttered. Lots to go on this all the innards of the bussards are temp and detailing on the nacelles and engineering hull are not modeled yet. WIP images can be found at Foundation3D and other 3d forums.
Source: illust/32691567