Deadpool Deadpool The Pyro Team Fortress 2 T-800Spider pigAperture Science Handheld Portal Device Portal SeriesProf. LaytonZombie Plants vs Zombies Leonidas 300 Benson Regular Show Juliet Starling Lollipop Chainsaw Orange Portal Portal Series Leela Futurama Sunflower Plants vs Zombies Peter Venkman Ghostbusters Woody, Toy StoryZero Suit Samus MetroidCasper the Friendly Ghost
Space GhostBugs BunnySebastian Michaelis Black Butler/KuroshitsujiSpidermanAang Avatar: The Last Airbender Lion-O
ThundercatsPrince Adam and his terrifying laughHe-Man and the Masters of the Universe Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man
GhostbustersPrincess Leia Star Wars: Return of the JediStephen Colbert The Colbert ReportXian MeiDead IslandHuskMass EffectSaberFate/Stay NightAWESOM-O South ParkMegamanCommander VideoBit.Trip seriesThe Noid Domino's Pizza mascotFreakazoidThe Brain Pinky and The Brain Cardboard Box GundamKaonashi Spirited Away Rosey the Robot Maid The Jetsons Kermit the FrogMagikarp PokemonSokka Avatar: The Last Airbender Carlos The hangover Alan The hangover KumaAfro SamuraiHarry Potter Harry PotterGundamPower Girl"Gary" Henchman 21 The Venture Bros.Dante, Devil May Cry? (maybe)Aaaaahhhhh Real Monsters!Scarecrow, Two-Face, The Riddler, Poison Ivy BatmanFaith, Mirror's EdgeOptimus Prime
Transformer Umbrella Corporation, Resident Evil seriesSprunkGrand Theft AutoMilhouse Van Houten The SimpsonsServbot, or Kobun
Megaman Series Pikachu
Legend of ZeldaSquirtle
PokemonAshley J. "Ash" Williams from "The Evil Dead" seriesGloomy BearSpike SpiegelThe HulkVault BoyFallout SeriesCreeper Minecraft Marge The Simpsons RogerAmerican DadRaphael
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesEmma FrostEpic Meal TimeMaster Shake, Meatwad, and FrylockAqua Teen Hunger ForceFrylock from Aqua Teen Hunger ForceMeatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger ForceCaptain AmericaChubby Bubbles GirlTom Tucker's son Jake, Family Guy.Master RoshiDragon Ball SeriesVince Offer the Shamwow guy.Catwoman BatmanI-Block Tetris Black Widow (Natalia Romanova)Weeping AngelDoctor WhoKirby
KirbyTARDIS Doctor Who Chop Chop Master Onion, Boxxy Boy, and Parappa the RapperCombustible Lemon(nade)sPortal 2Eddard "Ned" Stark
A Song of Fire and IceRed Skull
Futurama Firestar
Marvel ComicsMr. Spock
Star Trekʎןɟɔɯ ʎʇɹɐɯ
ǝɹnʇnɟ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʞɔɐqLt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Tom Cruise's character from Top GunSteve BallmerNumber Six
Battlestar GalacticaVenomDr. McCoy(?)
Star TrekClass 5 Full-Roaming Vapor
The Adventures of TintinMilo Oblong
The Oblongs Beth Oblong
The OblongsLego man
Legos Ducky
Toy StoryHorse MaskDebbie
Napoleon DynamiteAbe SapienHomophobic Seal
Antics Webcomic2HB
Double Fine MascotZombie Baby
from Dead AliveMale PowergirlRon Swanson?Greendale Human Being
CommunityBlack Lightning
DC ComicsDeath
Neil Gaiman's SandmanKaylee FryeFirefly/SerenityJayne CobbFirefly/SerenityJoffrey Baratheon
A Song of Fire and IceDaenerys Targaryen
A Song of Fire and IceTyrion Lannister
A Song of Fire and IceVarys
A Song of Fire and IceSansa Stark
A Song of Fire and IceSandor Clegane
A Song of Fire and IceKhal Drogo
A Song of Fire and IceBenFull ThrottleTofuResident Evil 2ReptarRugratsSlurmFuturamaChrisTeam America: World PoliceMeep Phineas and Ferb Rick Grimes The Walking Dead Jamie Hyneman MythBusters WallyMaster Chief Halo Arnold Shortman
Hey Arnold!Scooby-Doo Scooby-Doo!Scorpion Mortal KombatFinnAdventure TimeThe HeadCaptain FalconPyramid headSilent Hill 2Norville "Shaggy" Rogers Scooby-Doo!Harley QuinnBatman SeriesAmerican McGee's AlicePinkiePie MLP:FIM Earthworm JimNaruhodou Ryuuichi Gyakuten SaibanBeast X-men BoratKurosaki Ichigo and Abarai Renji Bleach The Green Men, Vancouver Canucks supporters. Travis TouchdownLuke SkywalkerStar WarsSSJ GokuDragon Ball ZDaria Morgendorffer, TV series Daria.The Tick, and his sidekick ArthurFat PrincessJay Maynard / Tron Guy / Bad Tron Cosplay (meme)Na'vi
James Cameron's Avatar Frank West, Dead RisingRon BurgundyAnchormanMisty aka KasumiPokemonBrock aka TakeshiPokemonThe Joker The Dark KnightKen and RyuStreet FighterThe Joker (Classic)Smithers, SimpsonsBinding of IsaacZimInvader ZimManny CalaveraGrim FandangoSpitterLeft 4 Dead 2JourneySloth
The GooniesKick-AssHarvey Birdman Attorney At LawThe Incredible HulkIce KingAdventure TimeTony Tony Chopper
One PieceHuman CentipedeGuileStreet Fighter SeriesMonster AmnesiaJeff Boomhauer
King of the HillPhilip J. Fry Futurama Superman and SupergirlSai NarutoBatman BatmanAriel
The Little MermaidThe Angry Video Game NerdMad Moxxi Borderlands Dr. Hannibal LecterMalcolm ReynoldsFirefly, SerenityThrottleBiker Mice From MarsBlack CanaryBooster GoldPrince of Persia (Classic)Loki (Marvel Comics)Perry the Platypus
Phineas and FerbCaptain PollutionCaptain PlanetSpeedy CervicheSamurai Pizza CatsAndroid Operating SystemGuybrush ThreepwoodMonkey Island SeriesEric CartmanSouth ParkLittle Sister Bioshock Gumby and Pokey Gumby Player Trials HD "Iron Man" how punny this is Tingle The Legend of ZeldaBlue BeetleCrash Test DummyBalloonyPhineas & FerbTom NookAnimal CrossingCarl Brutananadilewski Aqua Teen Hunger ForceSteve Aqua Teen Hunger ForceThe IncrediblesReed Richards, Fantastic FourSamuel (Deaf Amish Guy)
Diary of the DeadSatoshi
PokemonSackboy Little Big PlanetMario
Super Mario Brothers Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Series Lucy
Elfen LiedHurley from LostMichael Bay
Real-World DirectorThe PenguinSailor Bubba"The Walking Dead"Sub Zero Mortal Kombat Ikari GendouNeon Genesis EvangelionMeat BoySuper Meat BoyLady DeathThe Manatees
The writers of Family Guy
according to South ParkStewart Gilligan Griffin
Family GuyInanimate Carbon Rod
The SimpsonsParty Pat
Adventure TimeThe Mayor and Brent
Cloudy with a Chance of MeatballsDaenerys Targaryen
Game Of Thrones Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston
How to Train Your DragonDexter? MaybeThe SniperTeam Fortress 2Link Legend of Zelda Phantom HourglassChefSouth ParkEvil Monkey that lives in Chris's closetFamily GuyMidnaThe Legend of Zelda Twilight PrincessEddie RiggsBrutal LegendBandage GirlSuper Meat BoyKenny McCormick, South ParkSam and MaxGhost Rider Ghost RiderMachinariumLimboMermaid Man? Or the real Aqua Man?Game of ThronesLouise Belcher
Bob's BurgerFlint Lockwood Cloudy with a Chance of MeatballsDr. GirlfriendThe Venture Bros."The Flash (drive)"Ace VenturaCarl Fredricksen UpDr. Horrible
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along BlogHumanised Nyan-CatZoidberg Futurama Blue Portal Portal Series Duke NukemDuke NukemStanley Ipkiss The Mask John Dorian Scrubs Oogie Boogie The Nightmare Before Christmas Scarlet Witch, Marvel superheroHaruno Sakura NarutoNagato?Robin
Batman Northstar
Marvel ComicsLloyd Christmas & Harry Dunne from "Dumb and Dumber"Dr.X from Action Man or Kick-Puncher from CommunityPower RangersNapoleon DynamiteHellboyRed Bird Angry BirdsLuffyOne PieceMs Invisible, aka Sue StormFantastic FourCastle CrashersAdmiral William Adama Battlestar Galactica Voltron (GoLion)Dwight SchruteThe OfficeYuna Final Fantasy XJake the Dog
Adventure TimePinky Pinky and The Brain Zapp Brannigan FuturamaHank Hill
King of the HillDale Gribble
King of the HillTree Trunks
Adventure TimeBabar and Celeste
Babar Choose Goose
Adventure TimeHaruhi Suzumiya Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu Pedro, Napoleon DynamitePadme AmidalaStar Wars: Attack of the ClonesBaroness and Snake Eyes G.I. Joe WormWorms seriesBooMonsters Inc.John MarstonRed Dead RedemptionMiss MarvelWonder WomanQuicksilverBeetlejuiceGiant floating baby headPhineas & FerbBMOAdventure TimeChanseyPokemonRoxasKingdom Hearts IIMojo jojo Powerpuff GirlsCloud Strife Final Fantasy VIIWall-EStarfire
Teen TitansAlyx
Half Life 2 Simon
Simon The SorcererYip-Yip MartiansMuppetsThe Joker The Dark KnightThe prince Katamari damacy Saeko Busujima High School of The Dead Agent 47 from HitmanRocko Rocko's Modern Life Heffer Rocko's Modern Life Tifa Lockhart Final Fantasy VII Captain PlanetKratosGod of War SeriesCyclops, X-MenThe Flash, DC ComicsDuck Hunt Dog Duck Hunt Headcrab on Gordon Freeman
Half Life seriesJade and Pey'j, Beyond Good and EvilUzumaki Naruto NarutoBrian Family Guy Bank RobberThe Dark KnightBabydoll and AmberSucker PunchFlight of the Conchords ("Robots")L-Block Tetris Axe CopUni-BabyAxe CopCinnamon BunAdventure TimeStarchyAdventure TimeQuail Man DougThe GuildLucky Day, Dusty Bottoms, and Ned Nederlander ¡Three Amigos! Max Payne
Max Payne Homer Simspon
The SimpsonsGomez
FezStan and Steve Smith
American DadBill Gates
Pretty sure about this, considering his hair, glasses, and red pulloverParty Pete
Regular ShowPikmin and Olimar
(carrying a Grass, Snow, and Smooth Stone block from Minecraft)Leonard Powers
Ugly Americans Shrek
Thing, Aka Ben Grimm, Fantastic FourFrodo BagginsShaun (Simon Pegg)Shaun of the DeadTintin, titular character of the show.Anonymous, V for Vendetta, Guy FawkesJessica Rabbit Who framed Roger Rabbit Bill Dauterive
King of the HillMagic Man
Adventure TimeCrash BandicootLuke Triton, Professor Layton's apprenticeBlack Bolt, Marvel superheroZatanna, DC ComicsElaine Benes, Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Cosmo Kramer SeinfeldMarty McFly
Back to the FutureQWOP ManSnoo
Alien logo of website RedditRaving RabbidsCaptain Kirk Star Trek Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy VIIPedobearDuffman The SimpsonsSophie HatterHowl's Moving CastleRorschach and Silk Specter, Watchmen"Green Lantern"Marsellus Wallace and the Gimp Pulp Fiction The Ambiguously Gay DuoTyrone Biggums Chappelle's ShowPowdered Toast Man The Ren & Stimpy ShowPrince Justin/Turnip Head
Howl no Ugoku ShiroLara Croft Tomb RaiderSaori Kido Saint SeiyaHigurashi Kagome InuyashaStormtrooper Star WarsNick Fury, Ultimate Marvel Universe, The AvengersAsh Ketchum aka Satoshi PokemonMisa and L Death NoteNorm (Phineas and Ferb)BatmanGustavo Fring
Breaking BadNurse
The AnimatrixAgent Smith
The Matrix Dan Davis
The AnimatrixVampirellalawn, SimantBub Day of the Dead plankingLily
Eagle v. SharkNick
Left 4 Dead 2virtual plankingBuster
Arrested DevelopmentStu
The Hangover Neku Sakuraba, RhymeThe World Ends With YouFlute CopThird Rock From The SunSupermanCare Bear?Emperor's Royal Guard Star Wars SpongeBob SquarePantsSpongeBob SquarePantsAdam Savage MythBusters Megamind MegamindLana Kane and Sterling Archer ArcherSpike and Angel Buffy the Vampire SlayerSolid Snake in a Cardboard Box Metal Gear SolidCable X-ForceAgent J (Will Smith) and Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) Men in BlackSteve Cortez Mass EffectLittle Suzy Johnny BravoJohnny Bravo Johnny BravoRiley Freeman The BoondocksDomino X-Factor (Marvel)Orochimaru NarutoGlenn Quagmire Family GuyJeff Albertson aka Comic Book Guy The SimpsonsBeaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew The MuppetsKon BleachDhalsim Street Fighter SeriesTobias Funke Arrested DevelopmentRock Lee NarutoToby Flenderson The OfficeJohn Locke LostLi'l Sebastian Parks and RecreationPurple Tentacle Day of the TentacleCaroline and Chell Portal SeriesRapture Health Station Sign BioShockCalvin and Hobbes Calvin and HobbesPatrick Star SpongeBob SquarePantsMario Super Mario Bros.Ronald McDonald McDonald'sScott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers Scott PilgrimInvisible Woman Fantastic FourThe Cake (Is a Lie) Portal SeriesTroy Barnes and Abed Nadir CommunityDorothy Gale, Cowardly Lion and Tin Man The Wizard of OzDark Link The Legend of Zelda SeriesBoomerLeft 4 DeadPikachu Pocket Monsters Cardboard box GundamHawkeye
Marvel ComicsAltair Ibn La Ahad, Assassin's CreedPACMAN Johnny Klebitz
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and DamnedEdogawa ConanDetective Conan/Case ClosedSherlock Holmes BBC Sherlock Guy with macaroni on his head Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Evolution of DanceDerek Zoolander
ZoolanderChun-Li Street FighterMr GarrisonSouth ParkDennis Nedry, Jurassic Park (scene where he gets stuff spat in his face by the Dilophosaurus.)Sheldon CooperBig Bang TheoryFinn the HumanAdventure TimeOtter Penguin
Avatar: The Last AirbenderChristopher Turk Scrubs Mr. HatSouth ParkRicardio the Heart GuyAdventure TimeMinecraft ChestLeelooThe Fifth ElementBart SimpsonThe SimpsonsSuper MushroomMario seriesBottled Fairy
The Legend of ZeldaMjolnir, the Hammer of Thorbased on Breaking Bad