Artist's commentary
This means that even becoming a web ghost town is gone now.
Since when you access http://xxxxxx.hp.infoseek.co.jp/, the following message is displayed:
>A message from Infoseek
>Service for isweb Light has been discontinued as of October 31, 2010.
>Thank you for your long patronage.
I wanted to decorate my site with this picture at the end, but then I realized that it was gone. Amen.
Thank you for your patronage. Well, what do I do now?
This image was uploaded to pixiv on November 4, 2010 [JST].
Web ghost towns(Web廃墟) refers to websites that have been abandoned and not been updated for a long time in Japanese jargon and net slang. It is used without regard to the format of the site, and so also includes blogs etc.