Artist's commentary
Rat Rage CREAM
Continuation of the RAT-RAGE styled Sonic redesigns, y'know, since you guys loved it so much. Here's Cream.
Still polite as can be, she had a slight growth spurt. I don't think there's much to change on Cream (since she's much more of a recent character), other than I think she also has a high IQ and serves as Amy's brains when they're not operating correctly due to being in dreamy states with Sonic. I see Cheese being mischievous.
TOOLS: SketchbookPro2011/PhotoshopCS5/Cintiq21UX
MUSIC: Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 OST
TIME: 50 Mins.
Sonic the Hedgehog © SEGA
RAT-RAGE © Robaato
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