Artist's commentary
Continuation of the RAT-RAGE styled Sonic redesigns, y'know, since you guys loved it so much. Shadow's turn!
My take: Agent Shadow, one of G.U.N.'s top agents, is the guy for any job. With his by-the-book, trusting partner Rouge, they carry out the toughest and most secret assassinations and heists. G.U.N.'s next job for him is taking out a small faction group called KNOTHOLE, as they've been causing quite a ruckus on G.U.N.'s plans. On the contrary, he finds out that G.U.N. has been hiding a lot of information from him and he takes a stray course from G.U.N. secretly, wondering why he do the things he does. Among the things he learn is that he has a hidden power called Chaos Control, and he finds out he can control time and space with it, but doesn't yet know how to utilize it fully. He goes crazy, until he meets Tikal, who helps keep him somewhat sane, until he figures out the enigma known as himself.
TOOLS: SketchbookPro2011/PhotoshopCS5/Cintiq21UX
MUSIC: Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 OST
TIME: 65 Mins.
Sonic the Hedgehog © SEGA
RAT-RAGE © Robaato
And more: [link]