Artist's commentary
I'd Rather Smoke Weed
So that last thing wasn't as funny as it was in my head. I hate when that happens, I usually can't tell if my ideas are good or not until a while after I draw them. Actually, scratch that, I can't ever tell, I really have no clue how to judge my own art. Success for me is based entirely on reactions from other people, and since I ignore any positive criticism I always fail. It's a pretty clever system, honestly.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, this. Totally out of character for Hanako (and Lilly since she's supposed to be bad/average at chess) but I thought it was funny. I really like how the lines turned out, so I'll definitely do something more with that in the future.
For some reason I was thinking about when I was younger and everyone had to have copics because they made you a better artist or something. I seem to remember a lot of people who actually got their hands on some tended to color like this with lots of white for highlights, I guess, probably to save money. Anyway it felt kind of nostalgic so I gave it a shot myself since I never had my own copics (I did get prismacolors though which were like second place in bragging rights).