Artist's commentary
Murky Depths
Sorry for the lack of activity lately guys, I'm not dead. My computer was though for a while, then lack of inspiration hit. I did get a shiny new tablet though (Intuos 4), which is awesome but kinda intimidating at the same time haha, so this is a bit of a practice speed paint with the new tabby.
I also did a fairly large (at least for me) traditional picture in between, which i'll probably eventually get around to uploading. Eventually.
Anyway, back on topic. Whiscash was the pokemon this week over at poke-fanclub and was an interesting subject so i decided to take a swing at it. Its always fun taking a bit more of a .... derpy... pokemon and trying to make it less so lol. I think its been long enough for me to call again, so if so i'll call out Aerodactyl.
This one didn't take very long, about 2-3 hours, Sai as usual.