Artist's commentary
Ordinary Day on the West Coast
So the DMAP event's pokemon this week was gastrodon. There is a west and an east form, which made me think east and west coast. I live on the west coast, so I thought "what would this area look like if pokemon were there instead?" This is the result.
I tried to include most pokemon I thought plausible to find in a temperate coastal environment, excluding 5th gen pokemon since they wouldn't be naturally mingling with 1-4th gen. Corsola is kinda pushing it, but oh well. There are sea-lions and seals around here so I decided to include spheal and sealeo, even if they're more cold water, but the water here is pretty cold... Lapras... lets just call it Ogopogo. Some aren't really to scale since well, I wanted them to be smaller. I didn't include any pokemon that although CAN live near the coast have a preference for fresh water (ie. squirtle) or would better fit into open/deep/norther oceans.
If anything this was a good bit of practice, what with character and background interaction, de-focusing on a single character and zooming out the camera. A little chaotic but oh well. It kinda reminds me of those find the animal books. How many shellders are there o_O? even I didn't count hah.
Not sure if I'll make a series out of this or not
For anyone wondering there are 20 different pokemon species in this picture (different evolution stages counted serperately).