Artist's commentary
[New Summer Comiket Issue] Remirya Conference [Now Polling]
I made it to being selected! And this time, I'm on an end cap space! Woo-hoo! \(*´∀`)ノ
.... Boy, I tell you, the announcement of the selection results was just too scary...I was on edge for several days! LOLOLOL My space will be [2nd day, So-01-B]! I'll see you on the day of the con! (ノω`*)
As long as I'm at it, I figured I'd like to use the survey function to plan the direction of the new issue, so if you're so inclined, please answer it. (ノω`*)
※I'm also accepting responses from NicoNico still image comments. While not officially titled/numbered so, this post includes the "Weakly Disgusting Remirya" author-added tag.