Artist's commentary
Puppet Strings
Caroline is an artificial daughter developed by a creepy guy with a lot of time and money and no children. However, the research and construction took a long time. By the time she was completed, he had found a woman who loved him for his money and not for his looks, and she had borne him a stumpy little babyling to call his own. So! Now she is kind of like the really expensive juke box that the family likes to show off to guests.
Because the technology for making artificial people is complicated shit, Caroline's head is purely decorative. Her face is painted on, and she cannot process visual stimuli. She can, however, hear what is happening around her and emulate a voice using whatever musical instruments are at hand. Speaking of which, her arms are a viola set!
Caroline stores her memories as melodies, which she likes to play back on occasion to remember them. Sometimes she will also make up melodies about what it'd be like to be a rhinoceros and tip over carriages.