Artist's commentary
Commish: Riza Hawkeye X Saber
(My Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter be here; I'd be very glad to connect with you!)
Commissioned by the very, very patient Tony Taylor / Talin756...
T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! @^@
Artwork features Saber from Fate/stay night and Riza Hawkeye from Full Metal Alchemist . Saber is in her Unlimited Codes battle dress (I saw Saber Lily as I was drawing this and OMGOSH BEAUT Heart
!!! What a gorgeous character design. It'd feel so elegant to cosplay, I bet... ^^) The symbols in the background are Riza's flame alchemy tattoo she bears on her back and Saber's command seals.
As always!!! - Superbly much so!!! - I am so, so indebted to you all for your kindness, views, comments, e-mails / DA notes, and support - your views of my artwork give me a world of boosts. Thank you... Huggle!
// Photoshop CS4 // Wacom Intuos 3 //
// Art by Melissa Hui Wang //