Artist's commentary
Legend of Zelda:Mountain Theme
Oooh, the vertigo...
This is the 3rd installment (out of 4) of the Legend of Zelda character anthology that I'm working on. It seems like I keep adding more characters with each succeeding piece =.= There was too many in this one. I struggled with this for a while (I think I went through a couple sketches before deciding on this one). Hope you guys like it.
*grin* You can really tell which characters I'm not fond of in each of these pieces EVIL Laughter!
Dungeon Theme is next. Ever wonder why all the old characters haven't showed up yet? Hmm. Evil plotting in progress.
Illustrator CS
All things Legend of Zelda © Nintendo
Artwork by Joyce Factor Tan-Arandez (10.04)
Legend of Zelda: Forest Theme
Point Right
Legend of Zelda: Ocean Theme
Point Right
Legend of Zelda: Dungeon Theme
Character List:
- Cyclos [WW]
- Darmani [MM]
- Darunia [OoT]
- Din [OoS]
- Elder son (Goron) [MM]
- Epona [OoT, MM, OoA, OoS]
- Ingo [OoT]
- Flying Cuckoo [LA, OoA, OoS] - the brown cuckoo
- Goron Mask [MM]
- Kaepora Gaebora [LA, OoT, MM, OoA, OoS, FS]
- Komali [WW]
- Link
- Malon [OoT]
- Medli [WW]
- Nabooru [OoT]
- Postman [Oot, MM, OoA]
- Quill [WW]
- Ralph [OoS]
- Ricky [OoA, OoS]
- Rosa [OoS]
- Sheik [OoT]
- Talon [OoT]
- Travelling Merchants [WW] - all 3 of them
- Uuras [OoS] - they're so cute ^_^
- Zephos [WW]