Artist's commentary
Fool's Cake, For Mima
[EDIT: Credit for the Mima icon the cake design is based on goes to AwesomeLurker]Birthday gift for Logos1959, and somewhat of a counterpunch to her [link] for me, from a few months back. =]
[There's a funny thing regarding this and talk of 'cheesecakes', but perhaps I'll leave that as an in-joke. For those curious, check out TheOmegaGod's gallery for a Mima deviation submitted the same day. Suffice it to say that I was very unaware of the slang meaning of the term, and was horribly mislead and surprised subsequently ... ><]
It looks more like a cookie than a cake, doesn't it? Didn't rise very much, but Cirno is prety baka regards to everything, baking being no exception. The flavours are kiwifruit, banana, blueberry, and dark and white chocolate, heheh.
Could almost pass for a Christmas card, couldn't it? ^^" First time drawing snowfall, and hopefully not my last.
An early Merry Christmas / happy holidays to everyone. And to our dear Logos, thanks for everything over the past year. ~
- D.
Touhou Project belongs to ZUN.
Art by me using Wacom Bamboo in PS Elements 3.[/tn]