Artist's commentary
RIP final fantasy 7
- EDIT** i'm actually kidding, i liked crisis core- once it got going- and advent children was alright. Wink/Razz
DISCLAIMER: views of the fallowing are not to be taken seriously and therefore SAVE THE FANBOY HATE FOR SOMEONE THAT WILL READ IT!
now, gather around children and let me tell you of a magical time. it was 1997........ JRPG's were still relevant and people in America still had jobs <GHASP> yes its true! that year a game came out called final fantasy 7 from a slightly larger gaming company/publisher called square and it was the best game ever and would be a benchmark by which all fallowing games would be compared for years to come. children, let me tell you, it had violence and hookers ( or at least the assumption of hookers ) and black people (or person, rather.) swearing like it was the fucking apocalypse!! and more important it taught us all that corporations are godless killing machines that, left to their own devices, will enslave and kill us all-- and it did it all without being the least bit heavy handed!! < COUGH COUGH> well..... at least the annoying chick died.
anyway, as years fallowed square started running out of ideas, and with the entire staff doing more blow than lindsay lohan, they needed to start making shitty games really, really fast and also start remaking shit that didnt suck for the consoles that are out today with little to no new content. and so they did. in a feat of irony that would rival henry kissinger's hate for all forms of life, square became the very same soulless, shit-spewing, cosplayer-endorsing, twatbiscuits that they set out to destroy = (
( metaphorically, of course)
- FIN-
so that about brings us up to date. you can take a wild guess as to what i thought of crisis BORE and advent........... uhm......... assholes ... but enough of my stupid horseshit, look at the art! =D (Big Grin)
i did this sketch yesterday and decided to color it up to try and get re familiar with my process.
drawn with Sai painting thingamagigger and colored in one of the photoshop cs ( whatever the hell one it is that i have :S
with a wacom tablet!