Artist's commentary
Battlefield 3: Dammaku Warfare
Extremely fake Synopsis lol:
In the 21st century, a series of history-changing events took place in Gensokyo. The Hakurei Barrier waned over time, and not long after, and the Outside World had discovered new lands. Tensions quickly mounted over land occupation and resources, between the native youkai, and the newcomer's 'UN Expeditionary Forces' resulted in a full scale war.Alongside their powerful magics, the youkai quickly acquired modern technology to counter the invaders. This almost resulted the humans to resort to nuclear arms. Gensokyo and the Outside World fell into the brink of nuclear war. However, several powerful figures from Gensokyo and an unnamed special forces group allied together forming the Touhou Task Force.With the efforts of the TTF, the crisis was averted. The Hakurei Treaty was soon signed after, and a ceasefire was called between the warring parties.Despite the the Treaty, tensions continued to mount between the residents of Youkai Mountain and the native humans. The UN Peacekeepers stepped in once again, causing civil unrest in Gensokyo. Two years later, the Touhou Alliance were called once again to quell the resurgence of the modernized Youkai Mountain Resistance.
Programs Used: Easy Paint Tool SAI
Time Taken: 2 weeks
Layers: [link]
Parody of: [link]
EDIT (14/8/2011): Increased dimensions
Internet: 'Rule ⑨: If it exists, there is Touhou of it.'
Me: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. challengeacceptedplz
This is a parody of the cover art for the upcoming game, Battlefield 3. Compared to my previous work, you can clearly tell which of the two I'm more psyched for. :) (Smile)
This was done entirely on scratch, and even the background was also painstakingly made by me. I had learned a couple of new techniques during the making of this deviation. So much layers and shading on this one too!
Now downloadable for wallpaper lols! XD
Enjoy this artwork and please fav and comment! :D (Big Grin)
Battlefield 3 Logo © DICE
Touhou Project © Team Shanghai Alice (ZUN)