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Artist's commentary
And now, here they are! The most daredevil group of drivers gathered from all over Gensokyo for the Touhou Wacky Races...competing for the title of the World's Wackiest Racer! The cars are approaching the starting line...
First is #9, the Hakkero Mini, driven by Magnificent Marisa. Next, Shou Toramaru in #10, the Scamperwagon. Maneuvering for position is the Wheelbarrow GT. Right behind is the Young Five Mob in #7, the Odorproof Bomb. And there's ingenious inventor Nitori Kawashiro in her Convert-a-Kappa.* Oh, and in #5, here's the always lovely Yuukarin, the shining sunflower speeding through the circuit. Next we have #1, the Icefloe-mobile ⑨ , with the Fairy Sisters, Cirno and Dai. Lurching along is #2, the Creepy Kouma, with the Devilish Duo, and right on their tail is the Red Eyes in #4, the Crimson Suppository. And there's #8, the Arkansas Pandemonium, with Suika and Yuugi Hoshiguma. Sneaking along last is that Mean Machine 890** with those double-dealing do-badders, armpit priestess Reimu Hakurei and her sidekick, Yukkuri. And even now, they're up to some dirty trick...
And they're off! a standing start. And why not? They've been chained to a post by shifty Reimu Hakurei...who shifts into the wrong gear! And awaaay they go, on the trippy Touhou Wacky Races!
Wheee-haww, got me #418 in the daily ranking for Feb. 9! Whoo-hoo-hoooooo!!!! As might be expected, this is essentially a pastiche of the English opening, with driver and car names altered to fit the Touhou theme. This isn't entirely literal, instead drawing upon the actual English opening for phrasing, but it's essentially the same meaning.
*Magic Nitori, parodying the Japanese dub's name for the car, Magic Three.
**890 = Ha-ku-rei