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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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BrokenEagle98 said:

My scripts are always coded for Tampermonkey, so they should normally be used with that. The problem is that the Greasemonkey doesn't port jQuery over to the script so it doesn't have access to it like Tampermonkey does. It can be solved by using unsafeWindow like in the following, but it's generally not recommended.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Upload File Input (Greasemonkey ver)
// @version      1.0.g
// @description  Add the file input back to the uploads page.
// @match        *://**
// @exclude      /^https?://\w+\.donmai\.us/.*\.(xml|json|atom)(\?|$)/
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==

const timer = setInterval(function (){
    if (unsafeWindow.$('#upload_file').length === 0) {
<div class="input fallback">
    <label for="upload_file">File</label>
    <input size="50" type="file" name="upload[file]" id="upload_file" />
}, 100);

Thank you. The Greasemonkey userscript works for me, though I'll have to consider switching to Tampermonkey in the future if that's going to be the standard for Danbooru scripts.

As far as Exhentai goes, it's still coming up a blank screen for me, so I really don't have a choice but to rip from Hitomi unless there's a fix for that.

Lacrimosa said:

Way too low.
You sometimes get completely unrelated images.
Should be 80% but at least 70%.

Agreed. I keep getting results that hardly match my search query. I'd go with BrokenEagle's suggestion of that being a user setting.

Not sure what you mean. The Similar button on the upload page has to download the image in order to do the check. It doesn't upload the post though unless you click submit. I'm not sure what you mean by it keeping you from adding tags.

When clicking the "Similar" button, clicking tags would do nothing, the Tag window would become unresponsive in general and the Submit button would activate on its own. Other times the "Similar" button would pull you into a separate page to list all the images considered similar, and you'd have to backpage out to start tagging if it turned out your image wasn't already in the database, instead of it being just a brief check to make sure you weren't posting a dupe.

But at any rate, it seems to have been a bug that got fixed.

evazion said:

As mentioned, this gesture was intentionally removed because it broke several other things. It interfered with panning left and right, with using pinch to zoom, and with copying text. You can always use your device's back button to go back instead.

I know it's a lot to ask, but would it possible to add it as a account setting?

Benit149 said:

Agreed. I keep getting results that hardly match my search query. I'd go with BrokenEagle's suggestion of that being a user setting.

I may tune this further but I don't intend to make it a setting. Dupe detection is important and you're not allowed to turn it off, or set it so high it may as well be off. The previous setting was too high and it excluded legitimate matches in too many cases, especially with things like CG sets, scans, and paid rewards. I feel that it's better to ignore a few bad matches than to miss good matches.

Johnyyyz said:

I know it's a lot to ask, but would it possible to add it as a account setting?

Sorry, but it has too many known bugs. If someone turns this on and suddenly random other things stop working, they're going to be confused and frustrated.


evazion said:
Sorry, but it has too many known bugs. If someone turns this on and suddenly random other things stop working, they're going to be confused and frustrated.

Damn, but yeah totally understand

I accidentally removed a note from a post, but since I don't know how to add notes on my phone, I tried to revert to an earlier version. The "Revert To" feature for notes does not restore deleted notes. It does nothing to bring them back.

Not sure if it was brought up before, but when searching for more than one tag, the tag suggestion on the sidebar only takes in account the posts on the current page. Most noticeable when searching with limit:1, when only the tags of that particular image appear.

indexador2 said:

Not sure if it was brought up before, but when searching for more than one tag, the tag suggestion on the sidebar only takes in account the posts on the current page. Most noticeable when searching with limit:1, when only the tags of that particular image appear.

That's intentional.

indexador2 said:

Ok, I hadn't noticed it before. Why is it different from searching a single tag?

From commit bda6931 on GitHub

In multi-tag searches, we calculated the tags in the sidebar by sampling
300 random posts from within the search and finding the most frequently
used tags. This meant we were effectively doing two searches on every
page load, one for the actual search and one for the sidebar. This is
not so bad for fast searches, but very bad for slow searches.

Instead, now we calculate the related tags from the current page of
results. This is much faster, at the cost of slightly lower accuracy and
the tag list changing slightly as you browse between pages.

We could use caching here, which would help when browsing between pages,
but we would still have to calculate the tags on the first page load,
which can be very slow in the worst case.

animeboy12 said:

Is there a reason why most of the related tags for character tags in the image uploader is character tags instead of general tags? It's really inconvenient

It really depends on the tags, many pokemon suffer from this (you can just hit General instead of Related tags in that case) but most that I have seen have a mix of both.

Just want to acknowledge that the site just underwent 30 minutes of unexpected downtime. The cause appears to have been a temporary connection problem between the main database and the offsite database replica.