
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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nanami said:

The "This page can’t be displayed" message when using https.

Same thing here. Guess i'll try chrome again. One other thing, after changing https to http, the tags,header and sidebar are not shown on those images. Is that normal? [edit] it works with chrome.


When on one of those tabs with the image links (image link is in the URL bar), open up the dev console (F12) and navigate to the Network Tab.

I highlighted the Network Tab, the image file, and the headers and response section. To see the image file, you may need to reload the page via F5 which can also be done while on the dev console. Screenshots of the headers and response (if there is any) may help us identify the problem. Feel free to blacken out the cookies as I did in mine.

Searching for any of these tags works, but the Tags list on the left side is completely blank:

Searching for their aliased versions works, and the Tags list is populated:

These were all part of the same BUR. I checked the rest of that BUR, but didn't see the same problem with any of the others.

EDIT: Just noticed that vira_lilie has the same problem.

EDIT 2: Also xenoblade_(series), senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shin'ei.


Provence said:

The artist creation is really unintuitive.
How do you even create an artist entry if a wiki page of that artist exists but an artist entry wasn't created?
Howto:Artist delivers no clues at all.
Artist in question is tsuntsu_ke.

I've tried to remove their posts and to delete the wiki page but neither worked.

As far as I know you have to forcibly rename the wiki page and delete it, and then only after you can create a new artist. There's issue #2717 open but it's unlikely it'll be solved any time soon because this seems to be intended behaviour.

I fixed that artist now.

Clicking New in User Feedback produces this error.

ActionController::ParameterMissing exception raised
param is missing or the value is empty: user_feedback
app/controllers/user_feedbacks_controller.rb:60:in `user_feedback_params'
app/controllers/user_feedbacks_controller.rb:6:in `new'

tapnek said:

Clicking New in User Feedback produces this error.

ActionController::ParameterMissing exception raised
param is missing or the value is empty: user_feedback
app/controllers/user_feedbacks_controller.rb:60:in `user_feedback_params'
app/controllers/user_feedbacks_controller.rb:6:in `new'

This has been fixed, but it's still waiting deployement.

Just came to the realization that it’s near impossible to deduce who uploaded old posts ~before 2009(?) due to the top tagger update.
Also have discovered that tag logs are weird. On post #1, some pages of the tag logs are ordered to that the farther you scroll down, the older the changes. On other tag log pages on the same post, it’s the exact opposite.


Trying to look at user #72775's page spits out this error:

PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout : SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" INNER JOIN favorites ON favorites.post_id = WHERE (true) AND (posts.is_deleted = FALSE) AND (posts.tag_index @@ to_tsquery('danbooru', E'(''fav:72775'')')) AND (favorites.user_id % 100 = 75 and favorites.user_id = 72775) ORDER BY DESC, DESC LIMIT $1

I assume someone with a longer timeout allotment might actually be able to look at the page. Is it worth trying to have those subsections (Uploads/Favorites) gracefully fail and just not show anything if any of them timeout or nah?

Just noticed - when checking for upgrade info - that the link on the upgrade page that is supposed to redirect the user to payment on safebooru is wrong. It in fact links to the page the user is currently on (on danbooru, wrong subdomain).

Gollgagh said:

Trying to look at user #72775's page spits out this error:

PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout : SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" INNER JOIN favorites ON favorites.post_id = WHERE (true) AND (posts.is_deleted = FALSE) AND (posts.tag_index @@ to_tsquery('danbooru', E'(''fav:72775'')')) AND (favorites.user_id % 100 = 75 and favorites.user_id = 72775) ORDER BY DESC, DESC LIMIT $1

I assume someone with a longer timeout allotment might actually be able to look at the page. Is it worth trying to have those subsections (Uploads/Favorites) gracefully fail and just not show anything if any of them timeout or nah?

For the record, sometimes his user page timeouts for builders too.