
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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albert said:

Are there any common elements to the spam? I would argue links outside the site are rare so that could be one signal that a message is spam.

I can ask my friend for links/content of what he received. I'll edit/update this comment when he gets back to me.

Edit below.

See the spam he got

hi [username redacted]. My private photos look here

hey [username redacted]. my hot webcam here


albert said:

Are there any common elements to the spam? I would argue links outside the site are rare so that could be one signal that a message is spam.

I think this guy in the GitHub issue summarized it best.

nonamethanks said:

the spam is currently going through DMails, not forum. And the guy created hundreds (literally) of accounts in one day to use, all named with the same pattern of one female name followed by a string of digits and possibly one or two letters in the middle.

They start here with "heatherq8611" all the way to
And then they resume here with "sarahls350" to ("kimp4979"). You can notice that the second batch is 600 accounts, about 7-8 per minute towards the end.
There's obviously innocent users in the middle, but the damage's already done, all the guy has to do is start a random number of those accounts to spam everyone with DMails.

I just noticed several minutes ago that I had a notification for unread mail, but when I look at my received messages, I don't see any. Is this something to do with the aforementioned spammer, or could it be a different issue?

EB said:

I just noticed several minutes ago that I had a notification for unread mail, but when I look at my received messages, I don't see any. Is this something to do with the aforementioned spammer, or could it be a different issue?

Just came here for the same reason, it turned out to be a tag reminder from the DanbooruBot that was sent to a separate Spam folder.

I guess if we're going to have better spam prevention the bot might need to be universally whitelisted, if that's possible.

Xeanox said:

Just came here for the same reason, it turned out to be a tag reminder from the DanbooruBot that was sent to a separate Spam folder.

Ah, I didn't even realize to check that folder. Was the same thing on my end.

I'm having an issue where every time I try to add something to a favorite group, it would start putting in randomized numbers instead of the post's actual id. For example, if the post id is 2855970, it gets all broken up and turns into 0 007 2 4 38

Art_stalking said:

I'm having an issue where every time I try to add something to a favorite group, it would start putting in randomized numbers instead of the post's actual id. For example, if the post id is 2855970, it gets all broken up and turns into 0 007 2 4 38

Getting that too.

Art_stalking said:

I'm having an issue where every time I try to add something to a favorite group, it would start putting in randomized numbers instead of the post's actual id. For example, if the post id is 2855970, it gets all broken up and turns into 0 007 2 4 38

Well that explains why my panties favourite group suddenly have 5 random images at the end of it. Trying to add 2856046 made it add 0 007 97 6963148 6 18 226 65228 instead, adding it manually seem to work though.


Which way are you trying to add items to the favorite group that fails...?

1. "Add to Favorite Group" link (Hotkey G) from the post show
2. Adding metatag "favgroup:1234" or "favgroup:myfavs" to the tag edit box
3. Adding the posts manually via the favgroup edit page

I verified that 1 borks for me like you detailed, but 2 and 3 still work. Is that the method that fails for everyone else as well...? I just want to make sure I got it all before an issue gets submitted.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Which way are you trying to add items to the favorite group that fails...?

1. "Add to Favorite Group" link (Hotkey G) from the post show
2. Adding metatag "favgroup:1234" or "favgroup:myfavs" to the tag edit box
3. Adding the posts manually via the favgroup edit page

I verified that 1 borks for me like you detailed, but 2 and 3 still work. Is that the method that fails for everyone else as well...? I just want to make sure I got it all before an issue gets submitted.

For me, adding it manually works, but when I try to add them using the "add to favorite group" hotkey or from the options menu on the side, then it gets all buggy.

Art_stalking said:

For me, adding it manually works, but when I try to add them using the "add to favorite group" hotkey or from the options menu on the side, then it gets all buggy.

Great, thanks... I'll go ahead and submit an issue then.



Mikaeri said:

Egads, first time trying to upload an mkv file (as a replacement) for post #2862022 and the resulting video is kind of bugging out. Is that normal? I feel like it isn't.

Does Danbooru even support MKV? It’s detected (and served) as a WebM. The h264 video and OPUS audio in there aren’t a web-safe combination, AFAIK. If you use a Youtube ripper, get video format 248 (1080p WebM) and audio format 251 (160k OPUS).


Mikaeri said:

Egads, first time trying to upload an mkv file (as a replacement) for post #2862022 and the resulting video is kind of bugging out. Is that normal? I feel like it isn't.

Danbooru seems to interpret MKV as WebM with no actual conversion.

While WebM is a subset of MKV, the video uses AVC1 video codec which is not supported by WebM, so it is invalid as WebM as it is.

You can convert it with FFmpeg (with libvpx support) or something, which should be troublesome though.

kittey said:

Does Danbooru even support MKV? It’s detected (and served) as a WEBM. The h264 video and OPUS audio in there are a rather uncommon combination, AFAIK.

I thought it'd respond with an error if it didn't work, but indeed it is strange. This was the software I used.

EDIT: poppoko seems to have provided a more helpful response. But I don't know if converting the codec is the best way to go about this, perhaps native support could be added to the site for it.

Mikaeri said:

I thought it'd respond with an error if it didn't work, but indeed it is strange. This was the software I used.

EDIT: poppoko seems to have provided a more helpful response. But I don't know if converting the codec is the best way to go about this, perhaps native support could be added to the site for it.

You don’t need to convert anything. Download the video like this: youtube-dl -f 248+251