
Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

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่‘‰ๆœˆ said:
YOUR FACE IS FUCKING BULLSHIT. *I* approve images *I* like. Simple as that. It's a crappy image with particular features *I* don't like, so *I* won't be approving it. I certainly have no obligation towards you in this regard.

sure...cuz you're a freakin lolipedo :P

PoringSmasher said:
They look pretty damn bad to me...

I suppose I've seen worse but I wouldn't approve them

All the other stuff I uploaded from that artist were approved and got decent scores.

Fred1515 said:
All the other stuff I uploaded from that artist were approved and got decent scores.

For the record, scores don't mean everything, and just because some art from an artist is approved doesn't mean it all will be.

I'll leave it for someone else to decide though

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