
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

pool #2295 - "Touhou - Hata-tan"
It's a nice concept and in no way pointless, but I considered two things:
1. Isn't this pretty much a very own character, or image/version of a character, like inu_sakuya (which became a character tag and later a general tag, but was never a pool)? -> hata-tan tag instead of pool
2. Couldn't the tag dark_persona (if tagged) already distinguish those pictures from any others of the normal Himekaidou Hatate?
edit: pool name added


Fred1515 said:
pool #1218 is also very similar in concept, but I'm not sure if it should go as well.

pool #1218 was originally intended as a collection of fanart for ricia's Nicovideo Touhou doujin, as hinted at in its description, so it shouldn't be deleted outright, but I'm in favor of it being scaled back to its original definition.

glasnost said:
pool #2301 - "watersports"
Looks like peeing rating:e, at least under the pool's current definition.

In practice, the pool seems to be a lot more inclusive and less strictly defined. Only a third of the pool actually has the peeing tag, and almost half the pool seems to be photos included based on little more than pussy juice. Given the name of the pool - which to most people has a very strict definition that would be covered by peeing rating:e - this inclusiveness makes the pool even less useful, I think.

(Am I the only one finding it hard to comment on this pool without using words like 'flooded'...?)

freshprinceofdespair said:
I find pool #1791 - "Damn it, Japan!" to be extremely pointless. Description makes little to no sense especially when we already have the "Most Unlikely Crossovers" pool.

This pool, however, is exclusive to multi-culture crossovers. There would be some crossovers which go in DiJ which would be too obvious to fit into MUC.

Log said:
Make MUC entirely eastern series, and DiJ western series crossed with eastern I'm not seeing the problem here?

Yep, that's it.

freshprinceofdespair said:
I find pool #1791 - "Damn it, Japan!" to be extremely pointless. Description makes little to no sense especially when we already have the "Most Unlikely Crossovers" pool.

It refers to cases where a character is animified and introduced to a character with similar traits, or when traits of a Western and Japanese characters are blended, like Nazrin being depicted as Mickey Mouse, or something similar.

Hillside_Moose said:
It helps if the pool had a less retarded name.

If you can come up with a better name, then I'm all ears.
I picked "Damn it, Japan!" because that's generally the response that the sort of image provokes.

Anelaid said:
Damn it, Japan refers to the idea of Japan... japanifying media and the feeling it invokes.

And? It still doesn't explain what, exactly, the pool is for. If you've been on the Internet for longer than a week, you'd know that's the generic response to everything Japan does, from walkable sleeping bags to shitting dick nipples. As we all know, Japan is the only country with weird shit, and every other country is full of normal, rational, well-adjusted contributors of society.

In any case, this pool probably needs more deliberation, and it's getting rather cluttered here. If you would, go to forum #49674 to continue.


Pink-Ero Maniacs (pool #2361)
Pink hair favorites pool.

Man or a Mountain? (pool #2205), maybe A taller beauty (pool #1513)
There's height, size, and sometimes age difference for these (although size and height difference could be merged).

Spank it NOW (pool #2363)
There are plenty of tag combinations that already cover this (ass, from behind, bent over, top-down bottom-up), as well as the Dat Ass pool.

Ragequit (pool #1519)
It's been brought up before and isn't really pointless, but it's one that seems tag worthy.

Touhou - Ex Gathering (pool #1882), Touhou - Stages Gathering (pool #2353)
Not necessarily pointless, but they're redundant pools that should be merged. There's really no need for two.

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