
Pool Title Change: Damn it, Japan!

Posted under General

As previously discussed on the Pointless Pools thread, the title of pool #1791 needs to be changed, since the current title, "Damn it, Japan!", doesn't say anything about what the pool is for.

"Westernizing" was the first thing to mind, but unlike pool #1718 - "Animifying", most of the images in pool #1791 are parodies of Western IPs rather than drawn in a Western style. parasol mentioned "multi-culture crossovers". Any ideas?

Updated by jxh2154

I was about to jump in to suggest "East meets West (Damn it Japan!)", since just 'East meets West' doesn't communicate the same "blame Japan" mood that the original title invokes, which I think is an important part of the description of the pool. With that said...

HNTI said:
Maybe something like "The world according to Japan" ?

I like. Possibly an even better descriptive name than "East Meets West", and also has a similar "blame Japan" mood to the original title.