post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

iori98 said:

pool #3449 - playgirl
Pool has nothing to do with pool title, covered by tags already, looks like a favorites pool.

I agree that the title's wrong, but that pools focus is no faceless_male tagged images that are hetero and sex tagged.
Searching -faceless_male+hetero+sex isn't something regular members can do, and excluding shaded_face and faceless_male doesn't help in finding hetero ones with a clearly visible male face. There's also no corresponding tag to search for male faces, and male_focus is too general a tag for it.

Doesn't help that the hetero tag isn't as widely used as it should be so you would have to do a tag search of "sex -yuri -yaoi -futanari -faceless_male". You still have to look for pictures where the guys eyes are visible.

"This pool covers a 3 tag combo and regular members can't search more than two tags" isn't sufficient justification for saving. It would just encourage people to make 3-6 tag pools.

I think I understand what Playgirl means in this sense. It's the opposite of Playbiy as in Playboy Magazine where instead of guys looking at girls when posing, it's guys posing for a female audience. Then again, that meaning is moot since the pool would include yaoi anyway and the pool specifically says heterosexual couples.