VladVanguard477 said:
For me, these pictures are decent, […]. And I drew these drawings myself.
Artists tend to be biased towards their own creations, which is why uploading your own art is not recommended. Danbooru is a curated site where other people upload your art if they think it’s good enough.
Edit: … aaand sniped by Individual.
Gvellav said:
I am an artist and uploaded 4 of my pictures from pixiv here. Only one of them got approved eventually. I am wondering what am I doing wrong? Maybe picture quality?
Danbooru is an image gallery for anime-styled art and art of anime-styled copyrights. While other art styles do get uploaded and approved sometimes, they’re not the main target and many users consider them off-topic. Western-styled (toon) art of western-styled copyrights rarely gets approved and I recommend not uploading it.