
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Altaraiser said:
That sounds retarded

Please don't say that. I also feel the disappointed with unfair post deletions. The bitter truth is that personal preference of many approvers really influence approval rates, not only overall agreeable quality standards. We've got more approvers than ever this year, but approval rates per day does not significantly increase, nor change.

Danbooru is Subjective

Hello again. I wonder why those aren't getting approved despite not being that bad. Positive or negative, any form of response from site staff will be appreciated as always. Thanks in advance.

XenonAngel said:
The edited/redrawn screeshots like my post #6103840 aren't allowed? The reason why the post was deleted: Cropped anime screencap and nude filter. What does means "nude filter"? I already corrected and added some tags. What should I do before appealing?

Maybe according to many approvers, your recent uploads resemble actual screenshots from the original anime (anime screencap) instead of stuff based on the anime that is redrawn by the artist him/herself (screencap redraw).


Altaraiser said:

That sounds retarded

I would just say that I don't understand it. It seems odd to me. I can see someone looking at a building like The Tower and thinking "yeah whatever".
Take this for example:
In my mind it's primarily a matter of historical preservation, and because a much lower quality version already exists. However looking at it strictly in terms of "aesthetics", it doesn't make sense to me either. Asuka is a very popular character, iconic. Her clothing is ornate but not gaudy, revealing but tasteful. The crossed leg pose, long legs, showing a bit of thigh. Proportions are accurate and within the range the average person finds highly attractive. Measuring her waist:hip here is actually ~0.5 (132/260 pixels), average for women is 0.6 to 0.75 or something, which is generally viewed as attractive (men are like 0.9 - 0.95, 1.0 is square). Open cleavage area. Long red hair, blue eyes. I could go on. The whole composition is pretty well designed overall. It doesn't really matter as plenty of ecchi or non-sexual content is posted and approved.

So first is that part, on what basis is every single reviewer disinterested? You would think at least Rei, Asuka, and Misato would go through easily. Yet they were each universally disapproved, not a single approval.
Second is that, this isn't "generic" but it is fairly standard as far as depiction and anatomy etc goes. On what basis can someone say their own personal disinterest has anything to do with anyone else? I would imagine that, within reason, one could look and think well it's eh, but I see it's part of a set and most people will probably like it. So I'm not quite understanding what factors into a given judgement here either.

Like come on guys, just approve this so I can get the rest of the set uploaded lol. You already have an inferior version approved. What I'm trying to do is pretty straightforward, I'd like to get it done sometime this week.

Imanaya said:

(trimmed for length)

The reason these aren't getting approved is because a superior version is already approved. While it is true that lower quality versions are still active, they were uploaded first, thirteen years ago. Your recent set of uploads came after the non-artifacted ones were uploaded. If you're really concerned about preservation, you can keep them in media assets.

You're also overthinking the "disinterest" message. That's just what the site says when an approver decides to skip over a post instead of approving it or outright rejecting it. It's not mean to be taken as literal disinterest; there are myriad reasons why an approver may skip a post. (Although I can assure you that the waist to hip ratio with exact pixel precision is not going to be one of them.)

Cattywampus said:

The reason these aren't getting approved is because a superior version is already approved. While it is true that lower quality versions are still active, they were uploaded first, thirteen years ago. Your recent set of uploads came after the non-artifacted ones were uploaded. If you're really concerned about preservation, you can keep them in media assets.

You're also overthinking the "disinterest" message. That's just what the site says when an approver decides to skip over a post instead of approving it or outright rejecting it. It's not mean to be taken as literal disinterest; there are myriad reasons why an approver may skip a post. (Although I can assure you that the waist to hip ratio with exact pixel precision is not going to be one of them.)

See this post:
I uploaded the other cleaned versions as well, haven't decided which should be the parent image. Both are relevant imo.

Good to know about the disinterest message. Didn't know how to interpret it.

Cattywampus said:
(Although I can assure you that the waist to hip ratio with exact pixel precision is not going to be one of them.)

lol... rereading my post it is funnier than I realized. I think my sense of humor may not have quite come through though.

Appreciation to the approver who pulled The Magician out of deletion purgatory.

eienatsu said:

post #6102197
post #6102182
Both posts are not solely ai-generated but are ai-assisted like the following posts:

To me the style of the girl looks 100% AI generated. At best, I think that you combined prompts (foreground and background) and touched up AI mistakes manually. If this is the case, I would not consider it "assisted". Check the wiki of ai-assisted to learn more about exactly what qualifies as such.

What makes me think that the girl is 100% generated is e.g. post #6102182 the shoulder skin and hair is mixed, which is a typical ai artefact

XenonAngel said:

The edited/redrawn screeshots like my post #6103840 aren't allowed? The reason why the post was deleted: Cropped anime screencap and nude filter. What does means "nude filter"? I already corrected and added some tags. What should I do before appealing?

Don't. You'll just waste your upload slots on something that will be deleted. Nude filter has a wiki you can read that will explain what it is. You can also take a look at the upload rules to know what is or isn't allowed.

arknaito said:

Okay, not quite understanding why this one didn't get approved:

It's using kind of heavy, "sketchy" brush strokes for the focus character, but it's pretty clearly trying to riff on the official art of the games:

Also, the background is kind of fuzzy and low-detail, but the trick is, this is fan art of a scene *from the game*, and the background in the game just straight up looks like that:

So is there still some kind of artistic deficiency that I'm missing? It seemed like a good addition to Danbo to me.

Quote-bumping as a reminder and for some guidance, as I'm still not sure exactly why this one didn't make the cut. It seems reasonably equal in quality to many approved posts, including recent approvals.