
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Dave816 said:

I'm not sure why this one didn't go through, the other posts from the same artist have like 30-40 favorites each and look pretty much the same style and quality: post #4633838, post #4633860, post #4633828

Favorites and scores do not matter to an image being approved. There are deleted images with triple-digit favorites/score and there are approved images with a double-digit negative score.

We approve/delete images (mostly) on individual merit. An artist can have a bad day. 50 approved and 1 deleted does not mean that the last 1 should be approved.

Cluless said:

post #4641125
post #4466695
post #4639391
post #4636360
post #4636158
post #4155543

In my opinion:
1. Face is kinda meh. It's not off-topic to me, but I skipped it, because I kinda don't like how she was drawn in that style and her face is weird to me.
2. Hard to tell. It kinda looks mediocre to me, the faces a bit weird. Not really bad.
3. Bad hands, bad nipples, bad breasts etc. It's a kinda lazy image where there was no effort put into the for example crotch area. It just looks wrong. Even the breast forgot to "fall" down into the correct direction. (Always remember that there is no use in appealing an image that was just deleted. The approvers won't see it again, if you don't wait at least one month.)
4. Bad anatomy to me. It's always that artist try to draw a situation where you can see the ass and the breasts like that and it always just looks wrong. The legs don't make it better here.
5. Extremely short leg.
6. The girl is missing depth. She looks so flat and her arms are kinda bad too.

Narrator-1 said:

post #4646867

I'll admit that I have something of a vested interest in this one. I commissioned it. But I didn't know until now that it was uploaded here.

I was wondering what would prevent it from being approved. Doesn't seem too different from the artist's other works.

Lower body anatomy

Narrator-1 said:

post #4646867

I'll admit that I have something of a vested interest in this one. I commissioned it. But I didn't know until now that it was uploaded here.

I was wondering what would prevent it from being approved. Doesn't seem too different from the artist's other works.

It has only been up for 21 hours, there is still a chance it might be approved.

Narrator-1 said:

post #4646867

I'll admit that I have something of a vested interest in this one. I commissioned it. But I didn't know until now that it was uploaded here.

I was wondering what would prevent it from being approved. Doesn't seem too different from the artist's other works.

Personally I skipped it because of the legs.

2HoTLBumper said:

post #4642062
post #4627670
post #4627666

Hi! i would like on feedback why these didn't get approved. At first i thought approvers missed it so i appealed it because i really think these are danbooru quality, but still didn't get approved. So yeah.

There are other posts from the artist with same quality that are approved

I think the first is mostly fine (though I think her hands may be backwards or just missing a thumb) but the quick paint style probably turned approvers off.
For 2/3 I feel like the angle of her body vs her breasts and butt cheeks is off

2HoTLBumper said:

post #4642062
post #4627670
post #4627666

Hi! i would like on feedback why these didn't get approved. At first i thought approvers missed it so i appealed it because i really think these are danbooru quality, but still didn't get approved. So yeah.

There are other posts from the artist with same quality that are approved

1. Nue's face looks nice but the rest of her body looks weird/low-effort. Also, I didn't care about the wings but they look terrible
2, 3. Undeleted bc I couldn't find anything wrong with these pictures