
Change log for Danbooru 1.16

Posted under General

accRei said:
hmm... can anyone tell me why nothing shows up on my "Tag Subscriptions"? :/
do normal members not get Tag Subscriptions?? or am I doing something wrong?

Yeah, you need a contributors account or whatever else for tag subscriptions to work.

- Some internal optimizations related to caching.
- The post listing now shows how many deleted posts there are (visible only to privileged or higher to reduce db load). When viewing tag subscriptions you also see which tags the user is subscribed to.
- Added comment search by author. Like the wiki search, use user:albert syntax.
- You no longer have to specify order:fav when viewing favorites.
- The deleted:true metatag has been replaced with the more generic status:deleted (status:pending, status:flagged, and status:active also work)

Log said: odd bug, only showed up in the past hour or so, the + - links are disappearing from random /post/show pages, I can't seem to find a link between the pages that aren't showing. For instance they show up on post #396799 but not on post #396789.

Even odder, they appear on both of those images for me. But I can confirm that they don't appear on numerous other images.

As for the other changes, such as showing number of deleted and such, I like it! Especially comment search.

I've long wanted a way to locate my own comments to check for replies, but never thought it important enough to warrant an official request. The other related "like to have" feature would be an easy way to determine which of my own uploads have comments.

nice_starship said:
This multiple "tag subscriptions" thing is completely broken. It's still showing results for all my tags under "General" and the other 3 lists are just showing ALL recent posts regardless of tags. Am I doing it wrong somehow?

How long has it been since you made those? You're probably caught between the times when the system rechecks all the posts, so see if it goes away on its own within the day.

Tieria said:
It might take time to synchronize.

It didn't before, hence the report. It seems it only takes a couple of minutes to update, but when adding tags this can be somewhat confusing when you add a tag and don't actually see the count increase. It made me think I had mistyped the tag.

It's certainly not a big deal, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Can we have some level of logic filtering in tag subscription?

I want one of my subscription to be rating:s, and another with similar tags to be -rating:s but this seems to not work too well right now because it is using or condition automatically. I also cannot do rating:s for one, and rating:e rating:q for the other because that is also invalid...

One thing I'd like to see is simple: a line break at the end of each tag subscription category to the new one. Just bolding it isn't enough, I dare say.

Edit: I mean in your profile, it just looks a bit messy as-is.


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